Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Pascal Sex : Man Status : Single, with children Birthday : 23 Aug 1969 (55 ) Area : EST Lyonnais |
A few words |
Simplement Passionné, Féru de Randonnées VAE sur longs WE, France et Europe, Natures et Cultures, Curieux et Heureux de demain ! English fluent if needed ;-) |
Work / Job Employee | Languages I speak FrenchI speak English | Lifestyle / Ideology Epicurean - Carpe DiemOpenmind Luxury - Fashion - Trendy |
Pets - Animals I have a catI have a dog | I like a culture/food FrenchAsian - Indian Anglo-Saxon Belgian Portuguese Italian | Sports Hiking |
Physical Activities StrollBike - Scooter Rock dancing DIY - Workshops | Games Card games - Poker | Arts and Crafts Photography |
Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsCinema | Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioScience History - Archaeology Personal development | Cooking / Eating CookingPicnics I enjoy wine |
Entertainment / Info Amusement ParksKaraoke Boats | Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Mountain | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endTravel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |