Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : BRIGITTE Sex : Woman Status : Single, without children Birthday : 27 Dec 1958 (66 ) Area : OUEST Lyonnais |
A few words |
Je suis veuve et souhaite participer à des activités en compagnie d'autres personnes, car rien ne vaut le partage et la convivialité! J'aime aller au spectacle, découvrir, faire des balades à moto ou à pied. |
Languages I speak FrenchI speak English | Daily life RetiredGenerous - Altruistic | Lifestyle / Ideology Ecology - BioEpicurean - Carpe Diem Openmind |
Technology I have a smartphone | I like a culture/food FrenchArab Turkish - Armenian Latin American Italian | Sports HikingWater sports Golf |
Physical Activities StrollRock dancing Swimming | Arts and Crafts SingingWriting - Poetry - Slam | Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsTheater Literature - Books Cinema Jazzy |
Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioScience Politics Yoga - Meditation | Cooking / Eating CookingI enjoy coffee I enjoy wine | Entertainment / Info Radio - Press |
Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Mountain Gardening - Plants | Special Events Concert - FestivalConference - Debate | Outings / Vacation Travel with a backpack |